» milk
MILK è una collezione dalle forme morbide e dall’ampiezza di gamma e di colori che la rende molto versatile. Composta da 2 serie di sanitari, nelle versioni a terra e sospesi, e 8 versioni di lavabo di diverse taglie, bianchi o in 15 colori differenti, è in grado quindi di rispondere a ogni esigenza di spazio e di mood dell’ambiente bagno.
MILK is a collection characterized by soft shapes and its wide range of models and colors that makes it a very versatile product.
Made by two series of bathroom fittings both suspended and not-suspended, and eight different basins with different sizes, from pure white up to fifteen different colors. It can answer easily to every need regarding both space or mood issues.
MILK is a collection characterized by soft shapes and its wide range of models and colors that makes it a very versatile product.
Made by two series of bathroom fittings both suspended and not-suspended, and eight different basins with different sizes, from pure white up to fifteen different colors. It can answer easily to every need regarding both space or mood issues.